us independence day unusual 2018

us independence day unusual 2018
My Country 'Tis of Thee'

Made by Samuel Francis Smith

My country, 'tis of thee,

Sweet place where there is flexibility,

Of thee I sing;

Land where my dads passed on,
us independence day
Place where there is the voyagers' pride,

From ev'ry mountainside

Allow adaptability to ring!

My neighborhood country, thee,

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Place that is known for the respectable free,

Thy name I love;

I love thy rocks and rills,

Thy woods and templed inclines;
Positive words of encouragement

My heart with rapture thrills,

Like that above.

Allow music to swell the breeze,

Likewise, ring from each one of the trees

Sweet adaptability's tune;

Allow mortal tongues to cognizant;

Allow all that to breathe in share;

Let shakes their quietness break,

The sound draw out.

Our dads' God to Thee,

Maker of flexibility,

To Thee we sing.

Long may our property be awesome,

With circumstance's hallowed light,

Secure us by Thy may,

Amazing God our King.

Battle Hymn of the Republic– Traditional, Julia Ward Howe

Mine eyes have seen the grandness of the occurrence to the Lord;

He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of savagery are secured;

He hath loosed the unequivocal lightning of His terrible speedy sword:

His reality is strolling on.

US autonomy day abnormal 2018


Grandness, ponder, thank paradise!

Grandness, ponder, thank paradise!

Grandness, ponder, thank paradise!

His reality is strolling on.

I have seen Him in the watch-blazes of a hundred rotating around camps,

They have builded Him a holy place around evening time dews and damps;

I can read His evenhanded sentence by the reduce and flaring lights:

His day is strolling on.


Distinction, heavenliness, magnificence be!

Distinction, heavenliness, magnificence be!

Distinction, heavenliness, magnificence be!

His day is strolling on.


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